
The Happy Dog

Do your dog have one of the following problems?

If you have one of these problems

you need my help:

* Barking

* Cannot be home alone

* Following you around

* Pulling on the lead

* Jumps up

* Compulsive behavior like chasing the tail

* Chasing light

* Greeting excessively 

* Excessive need for attention

* Greets violently

* Tendency to bite

* Fear of loud noises like fireworks

* Poor eating behaviors

* Licking paws

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Our Services

How I can help you and your dog/dogs to a life in harmony

even if we are far apart.

Consultation in your home in Denmark or in your country

The consultation is in your home. I will be there 2-4 hours depending on your dog / dogs. The price is the same no matter how many dogs or how long time I am there. I can do the consultation in English her in Denmark but I can also visit you in your country. I have done consultations in USA, Germany, Polen, Sweden and Norway. I will follow up with you 2 weeks after the consultation. Included in the consultation is livelong back up service.

Consultation by phone or Zoom / Meet

The consultation can also be done by phone maybe facetime or on a Zoom or Google Meet- meeting. How long the meeting will last depends on your dog/dogs. Normally 1,5-2.5 hour. I will follow up with you 2 weeks after the consultation. Included in the consultation is livelong back up service.


My book in English - sent to your home address

This is my first book translated to English. In the book I describe the signals you have to send to avoid problems and also how to solve the problems you might have already.
This book is usefull to adult dogs and puppies as well and it covers problems from jumping up, the dog cannot be home alone, barking, aggression and many more.

You find it on this link (or check your domestic online  bookstore.)

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